Yoga for Back and Spine Health (7 Class Bundle)

Yoga for Back and Spine Health (7 Class Bundle)

3.5hrs of instructional yoga videos (workshops and classes) with Cha Wilde showing you many ways to stretch, strengthen, and relax your back. These movements may not be safe for you if you have a back injury such as herniated disks or nerve damage. These videos were created with the intention of helping people who have back tension, tightness, discomfort, stiffness that is most likely caused from spending too much time stuck in limited positions (like spending all day sitting or standing). If you're experiencing back pain and you do not have a serious injury, there is a high likelihood this discomfort is being causing by tissues in your body that are longing to move. We need to walk, bend, twist, reach, go upside down, move in every possible direction we can to keep all the layer of our body mobile. As we age we dry up like a dead leaf. We get brittle. But movement keeps the liquids flowing around and we can stay fresh for longer. Since our back, the spine, is central to our ability to move around, it's essential to have some tools in your pocket to keep that stack of bones health. This bundle of videos will offer you a handful of yoga poses, most of them simple and appropriate for beginners, with lots of step by step guidance so you actually understand what each pose is doing and why. Depth and detail is provided in these lessons so you will have the tools to figure out what you specific body is needing. One yoga poses might help you today but tomorrow you might need to use a different one. It's a lifelong experiment with constant adjustments as life changes. Let it be a fluid journey of exploration led by curiosity.

Workshop: Yoga Poses to Help with Back Pain (30min)
Yoga Class: Yoga Poses to Help with Back Pain (20min)
Workshop: Downward Dog Alignment to Relieve Back Pain (60min Livestream Replay)
Yin Yoga Class: Low Back Pain (55min Livestream Replay)
Tiny Yoga Class: Back and Shoulders (12min)
Tiny Yoga Class: Neck, Core and Breath (15min)
Tiny Yoga Class: Simple Stretches for Healthy Spine and Better Posture (12min)

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Yoga for Back and Spine Health (7 Class Bundle)